School Fundraising Canada  
Sellable products to make money

Fridge Magnets

Put your child's art on your fridge for all to see. The magnet is 1/16 inch by 3x4 inches in size with slightly rounded corners. The artwork is laminated with a shiny protective coating. These are very strong sturdy magnets. There are 4 magnets to a set and they come attractively packaged in a clear plastic zip style bag.

These Canadian-made fundraising products make perfect stocking stuffers or small gifts with big meaning at Christmas time. They are great to put on the fridge at home, or even the filing cabinet in the office. Small, lightweight, and durable, these magnets something of our long-term customers have been ordering for over 20 years as they stand-up to the test of time! Remember, we pay shipping when returning your finished product.


Fundraising Product - Magnets   Sports team fund raiser
Fundraising products to sell